Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It is a GREAT time to sale a home in Metro Denver

BLISTERING, SIZZLLING, RED HOT Blistering. little inventory to meet buyer demand so sellers Sizzling. Red hot. These are the words that describe our housing market under $300k. We haven’t seen a market like this in years. Multiple offers are the order of the day. There’s simply too are pushing prices back up to pre-crash levels. The laws of supply and demand are very much in effect. Look at the inventory levels in Metro Denver for the past 10 Februaries: 2012 – 10,086 2011 – 17,358 2010 – 18,869 2009 – 20,059 2008 – 25,037 2007 – 24,838 2006 – 25,484 2005 – 21,730 2004 – 23,212 2003 – 22,989 This is what a recovery is supposed to look like: a dramatic drop in inventory followed by rising prices. If you’ve been considering a move, call me so I can do an analysis of the inventory and price movement in your neighborhood. After many years stuck in a buyer’s market, now might be the time to put your house up for sale and take advantage of the great seller's market. Feel Free to call to Brainstorm – I love sharing my knowledge and expertise. DENISE WAMBSGANSS – Realtor – Your Castle Real Estate – 303-880-8771

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mortgage Rates and Real Estate Statistics Metro Denver Colorado

Rate versus Price Reduction REAL ESTATE for Metro Denver Colorado Everyone wants to get the best deal when buying a home. However, for potential buyers who are waiting to see if home prices come down a little more, the wait could cost them. Let's look at an example to see why. Say a homebuyer wants to buy a home that costs $300,000. But the buyer wants a better deal on the home, so she delays a transaction until the home is reduced by $10,000. If, in the meantime however, rates were to rise .75% to 6.00% and the buyer financed 90% of the purchase price, the amount of total payments over a 30-year term would be over $35,000 more than paying the $300,000 purchase price and locking in the 5.25% interest rate. In other words, the buyer would save $10,000 only to end up paying $35,000 more. Now these prices and rates are just for the sake of example. But the point is that home prices are already very affordable...and rates are still low for now. So in the end, waiting for a home price to reduce may end up costing homebuyers much more than they expect if rates rise. One more thing that most buyers don’t realize is: For every $1,000 they save it only lowers their mortgage $4.00 a month. The figures below are for the Metro Denver Colorado area Prices of homes below $85,000 went UP 19% in the last 12 months, prices between $86,000 and $135,000 went up 10%, prices from $136,000 to $210,000 went up 6% and prices from $211,000 to $315,000 went up 1%. Homes above $315,000 went down in price in the last 12 months. What this trend is showing it that prices of homes are beginning to hold steady and rise. So, if someone is going to purchase a home, NOW is the time to buy before prices continue to rise. If you would like to brainstorm about Real Estate feel free to call or email Denise Wambsganss – Realtor at Your Castle Real Estate 303-880-8771 or email: